
Worship at Abiding Word

Worship at Abiding Word brings together the strengths of Lutheran worship: Christ-centered preaching, excellent Altar2music, congregational singing and prayer- all within in a beautiful space. Two identical services are held each Sunday at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.

Worship at Abiding Word is follows a pattern called the Christian liturgy. Throughout the Church’s year, each week’s sermons, readings from the Bible, hymns, and prayers focus on the words and works of Jesus. This means that we celebrate festivals such as Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost and observe seasons such as Advent, Epiphany, and Lent.

Worship at Abiding Word features a blend of different musical styles.  Some of our services are more traditional in character and feature the congregation’s outstanding pipe organ and fine choirs. Other services led by piano, guitars, and smaller vocal groups, are scheduled throughout the year.

Easterbells-1All the services are printed in service folders so worshipers can follow along easily. If you arrive late, ushers can assist you in finding a seat-and it won’t be in the front pew! We encourage parents to worship with their children, and are happy to help identify ways to keep kids engaged. What to wear is not an issue at Abiding Word; we welcome those who dress more formally and those who prefer casual clothing. Friends in Christ are available after each service to answer questions about Abiding Word.

Many services at Abiding Word include Holy Communion. We believe that gathering together at God’s altar to receive Holy Communion is a testimony of the confession and commitment we share as members of the Lutheran Church. We ask guests who are not members of our church to speak with one of the pastors before joining us at the altar so that all may have a clear understanding of our faith and practice.

NOVEMBER is Stewardship Month at Abiding Word!main_graphic_500px

Established in 1863, Thanksgiving Day has long been one of our most cherished national holidays. Yet we celebrate it only once a year. What does that mean for the other days of the year? Join us in a three week study in worship and bible study as we recognize all the blessings we’ve been given in our lives and in our family of faith at Abiding Word.

November 8 – Lesson 1 – Uncommon Mercy Leads to Overwhelming Gratitude 
Our first lesson: Jesus demonstrated a picture of his love for us in his undeserved love for a leper. What does the gospel have to do with giving? Everything!

November 15 – Lesson 2 – Overwhelming Gratitude Leads to Overwhelming Generosity
Generosity sometimes surprises us. An unexpected gift can often overwhelm us. Luke 18 and 19 reveal overwhelming stories of faith, love, and unexpected joy.

November 22 – Lesson 3 – Thankfulness Leads to Faithfulness
In Jesus’ day, a “talent” was more than a skill or specialty. It was a monetary unit worth millions of dollars. Jesus reveals the true heart of stewardship on his way to the cross: since he was faithful, we can be thankful!