Your First Visit (FAQ)
What should you expect?
Abiding Word has one mission and one mission only, to share the love of Jesus and the forgiveness of sins to the world. Everything we do in worship revolves around and serves that chief purpose. So on Sunday mornings, we sing about Jesus, we listen to readings from the Bible about Jesus, our pastor preaches about Jesus, and we pray to Jesus.
Abiding Word is also a Lutheran church, and so the way we worship reflects how Lutherans have shared Jesus throughout time. Some of our songs are old, some of our songs are newer, some are lively and some not so much, but they all talk about Jesus. Some parts of our order of service are very old (a couple of lines have been used in worship for over 2000 years), some parts are newer, but they all talk about forgiveness and God’s immense love. Occasionally a baptism will be part of the service. Twice a month, Holy Communion is offered twice a month to our members.
Who will you meet?
Abiding Word is a diverse family of Christians. From folks who have spent their whole lives within a few miles of here to people from around the world, from newly baptized babies to friends enjoying their senior years. We cherish and appreciate the many cultures that come together within our congregation. Abiding Word welcomes everyone and wants to tell everyone about Jesus.
Where can you find us?
Our campus is located at 17123 Red Oak Dr, Houston, 77090, about 1 mile west of I-45 and FM 1960. We are next to the post office on Red Oak Drive. (link to map). Worship services are in the church. Sunday School and Bible classes meet in the Christian Life Center.
If our main parking lot is full, feel free to use the post office lot next door for overflow parking.
What is our contact information?
Contact Page
The church phone number is 281-444-5894.
Email messages can be sent to
Pastor Mark Tiefel
Pastor Stephen Valleskey
Deaconess Marilyn Miller
Sally Valleskey in the Church Office
When do we meet?
Our worship services are on Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:30 am with both services being the same structure and content. Attendance is slightly less at the first service. Each service is about an hour long. We conduct Sunday School at 9:15 am in the Christian Life Center. Sunday School is offered to children (age 3 thru 8th grade), teens, adults and those with developmental or learning disabilities (Jesus Cares program).
What do people wear?
People dress in a variety of ways according to what is comfortable for them, anything from “business casual” to jeans and casual shoes. We are more interested in having you join us than in how you are dressed.
Do you take an offering?
We do take an offering at each service. We believe that the offering is an opportunity for people to give back to God a portion of the blessings he has given each of us. It is an act of worship for members and friends of Abiding Word to support this ministry. Guests should not feel obligated to participate.
May I take communion?
One of the highlights of our worship is the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. In this simple meal of bread and wine, we receive Christ’s body and blood, enjoy forgiveness and a close communion with our Savior. (Matthew 26:26-28, 1 Corinthians 10:16). Gathering at the Lord’s Table also serves as a common confession of our beliefs (1 Corinthians 10:17, 1 Corinthians 1:10). For this reason, we ask those who are not members of our congregation to speak with one of the pastors before receiving the Lord’s Supper.
What should I do with my children during worship?
We very much enjoy having children in the worship service and their small noises are not a bother. If they become quite loud or disruptive, we ask that you please take them into the entryway for a short while, where the service can be heard through the loudspeaker system. There is also a small nursery just off the entryway for nursing or diaper changing.
How do I learn more about the Lutheran faith?
Please speak with one of the pastors and they will be happy to answer your questions. Three times a year, in January, May and September, there is also a Bible Information Course that anyone is welcome to attend. The class is taught by one of the pastors and goes through the primary teachings of the Bible. Dates and meeting times will be announced a few weeks before the class begins. There is no cost for this class.
What is WELS?
Abiding Word is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Founded in Wisconsin in 1850, WELS is a group of over 1250 Lutheran congregations plus numerous missions around the world. Evangelical is a word that means Christ-centered and biblically grounded. Synod is a word that means walking together. These congregations are united in their commitment to teaching the pure Word of God as presented in the Bible. For more information please feel free to visit the WELS website.
What do you believe?
Our teaching is based on the Bible, not on human opinion or philosophy. We believe that God has given the Bible to mankind to show the way to eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, and that the Bible is God’s truth in all its parts. It’s the only reliable guide we have for everything we face in life and death.